Before I was blessed to be able to be a stay-at-home mom with my youngest child, I was a public school teacher for sixteen years. I'm very familiar with the many different issues some children face as they try to navigate their way through school. Over the past couple of years, I began to notice how inattentive and slow-working my now sixth-grade daughter was becoming. A bright, sweet girl, I knew her behavior was not at all a factor in her academic performance, and going into middle school with multiple teachers and a much quicker pace expected, I was concerned.
In my search for a school psychologist who would be able to evaluate my daughter quickly in order for something to be in place, if deemed necessary, before the beginning of the school year, I was unable to find a reputable center that was able to get her tested until about a month after the school year was to begin. Our family doctor knew of Dr. Burger and felt that, because he recently started an independent practice, my daughter would be able to get in to him pretty quickly, and she was right. I was impressed with Dr. Burger's sincerity and the knowledge he conveyed from the initial phone call. He conducted a full psychoeducational evaluation on her (which only took two half days) and within two weeks, provided an in-depth 39-page report on my daughter's strengths and weaknesses, as well as his recommendations for her for the upcoming school year. After my husband and I met with him to discuss the results, I immediately provided the information to the school, and within just a few days, my daughter had a solid 504 plan with appropriate accommodations put in place. In fact, with my permission, the report was attached to the e-mail that was sent to all of my daughter's teachers. Dr. Burger stated if at any time, we needed anything further from him or any assistance in reaching out to any individuals at the school to facilitate the plan, he would be glad to help.
I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Terry Burger, as he is a nationally certified school psychologist and clearly an expert in his field.”